Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET)

As part of the quality assurance mechanisms, the University adopts standard procedures for the collection of student feedback on teaching and learning quality and effectiveness both at the course and the programme levels. The University has implemented mandatory teaching evaluation, namely Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET), since 2001/02. The SET aims to provide an overview of students’ responses to teaching in the University. The results may be used in the summative evaluation of courses and teaching.
To streamline the data collection process, the University has introduced the Online SET from 2019/20 to collect students’ feedback on teaching via electronic means.
Institutional Research on Graduates (IRG)
The Institutional Research on Graduates (IRG) is an institutional survey conducted on an annual basis. It aims to achieve continuous enhancement of teaching and learning at the University through systematic collection of feedback from our graduates and their employers in relation to the performance of graduates and helpfulness of the programmes offered by the University.
To reflect the diversification of the programmes offered by the University, a new IRG questionnaire has been used since 2012 IRG Survey onwards for Teacher Education programmes, Education-plus programmes and Multidisciplinary programmes.