The framework of the graduate attributes, namely, “PEER & I” consists of three domains:
- Professional Excellence;
- Ethical Responsibility; &
- Innovation
The framework of “PEER & I” is applicable to Sub-degree, Undergraduate, Taught Post-graduate (TPg), Professional Doctorate (PD) and Research Post-graduate programmes (RPg), with specific descriptions for individual levels.
Professional Excellence
- Articulation of the knowledge and skills acquired in their study and successful application in their profession, and aspiration to continuous improvement and development;
- Competencies in critical thinking, communication, problem solving and collaboration skills, integrating theory and practice; positive and professional attitude; and
- Contribution to sustainable social and economic development in Hong Kong and beyond.
Ethical Responsibility
- Awareness of and commitment to being a caring, socially and ethically responsible citizen;
- Upholding moral values and integrity; and
- Ability to think critically and independently to make moral judgements.
- Possession of a global mindset, technological literacy and entrepreneurship with drive and aspirations;
- Readiness to learn and engage in lifelong learning; and
- Ability to generate creative, innovative and effective approaches and ideas.
Professional Excellence
- Demonstrate an advanced and up-to-date knowledge, understanding and competence in a specialty;
- Apply theoretical and professional knowledge and strategies into practice and promote evidence-based practices through the application of rigorous methodology;
- Understand research, and / or advanced technology or professional activity; and
- Prepare to make contribution to a field either through practice or research.
Ethical Responsibility
- Uphold ethics in academic inquiry of a chosen field;
- Possess the professional ethics and social responsibility in a profession; and
- Be sensitive to multiple contexts and value diversity and differences.
- Be able to critically review, differentiate and synthesize knowledge in a discipline and apply diagnostic and creative skills in a range of situations;
- Be capable of locating problems/gaps in established literature / contexts; and
- Enable change and innovation by encouraging new ways of knowing and doing.
Professional Excellence
- Is at the international forefront of respective subject area, and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the theories and /or policies as applied to a specialty area;
- Able to evaluate the appropriateness and usefulness of various perspectives and processes in research;
- Discover and define emerging questions in a specialty and contribute to the development of new knowledge / theories / methods / interpretations / forms of documentation within the specialty; and
- Apply advanced skills in research design as well as methods for data collection and analysis for the areas of study.
Ethical Responsibility
- Demonstrate an understanding of and full commitment to the underlying values and ethics of the scientific inquiry of the chosen field;
- Possess professional ethics and develop a pro-active sense of social responsibility in a field as an academician or researcher; and
- Maintain a high level of ethical integrity by always prioritizing ethical values over self-interest.
- Appraise the literature, ideas, and other information critically from local, regional and international sources;
- Conduct original research via appropriate and creative methodologies and analyze data with flexibility and novelty, which contribute to the fields or society; and
- Extend or transform a novel or unique idea, question, format or create new or boundary-crossing knowledge.
Professional Excellence
- Acquisition of the knowledge and skills in their study, successful application in their profession, and eagerness to continually improve and develop;
- Key competencies in critical thinking, communication, problem solving and collaboration skills; ability to integrate theory and practice; positive and professional attitude; and
- Contribution to their professional field through practice in the local context.
Ethical Responsibility
- Awareness of being a caring, socially and ethically responsible citizen;
- Upholding of professional ethics and integrity; and
- Core ability to think critically and independently to make moral judgements.
- Possession of global awareness and information technology competency with aspirations;
- Readiness to engage in lifelong learning; and
- Ability to generate creative approaches and ideas.
Note: The EdUHK graduates of Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) programmes will possess the same set of Graduate Attributes of TPg programmes with emphasis on the relevance to educators’ professional practice.